Offworld Pizza Party

Best played in full screen!
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Do you have what it takes to deliver a perfect pizza party? 🍕🫵

Find out today! You may not actually see the party, but watching those Rewards Points tick up makes it all worth it. Surely, they're having a wonderful time without you.

This is a mini-game that will be in a full Offworld Pizza game, more details coming soon!

Assets used:

🍕 If you like the game, feel free to throw me some cash so I can buy pizza IRL 😘


If you're unsure how to unlock an achievement, expand it below for more details.

Achievements are saved every time the clock runs out and will persist across page reloads. You can also reset your unlocked achievements at the top of the achievement list if you love the game so much you want to start over 🥰

You should be able to unlock all of them after playing through a few times (~15-20 minutes total)

Taste of success Deliver a slice of pizza
Recycler Recycle a pizza box
Pizza Legend Reach the rank of Pizza Legend

Get over 175 points. You can do it!

Perfection Deliver all slices perfectly and recycle the box

This can be a bit tricky, since it is only checked when a box is recycled. You have to wait for the final slice to be counted before actually throwing away the box.

Also, all of the slices need to be delivered face-up, and you can't drop anything on the ground while delivering them.

Five Second Rule Deliver a slice that's touched the ground

No, you don't actually need to deliver it within five seconds.

We want plates Deliver a slice without a plate
Something's missing... Deliver a plate without a slice
Topsy turvy Deliver a slice upside down
Just pick off the hairs Deliver a slice that was in the garbage

It can be hard to get a slice out of the garbage, so it's easiest if you kind of "flick" one in without dropping it, pull it out, and then deliver it.

Clean plate ranger Break a plate and throw away the pieces

If this is too hard, you can just throw a full plate into the trash. It will break, I promise.

Eating broken glass Deliver a broken plate shard
Clogged chute Deliver a pizza box
For the dogs Throw away a clean slice
For the racoons Throw away a slice that's touched the ground
IT'S ENOUGH SLICES! Fresh pie, save me a slice
The internet's busiest pizza nerd
These tunes are trash Throw away the radio
Fresh hot beats Deliver the radio
Lost patience Make 5 redundant lever pulls in a row

Just keep pulling the lever!

Really bad at this Reach the rank of Pizza Disaster

Get -200 points or less. Keep trying!

Lazybones Take the afternoon off

Get zero points. Pull the lever and enjoy the pretty stars out the window for a few minutes.

Saboteur Sabotage the parlor

Get -2000 rewards points. Easiest way to do this is to go wild and break stuff. Keep pulling the lever and then trashing the whole box full of pizza, or throw it all into the conveyor belt!

Retirement Unlock all achievements
Thanks for playing!

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